Greetings from Royal Botanic Garden’s Community Greening Team!
As the weather cools, it’s a busy time in the garden! Try your hand at collecting and storing dry seed for next year, and then clear dead or dying plants from the garden. After all of the rain we have had, we can feed the soil with compost, worm castings, or diluted worm juice.
Cool weather crops like greens, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, and root veggies like radishes, beetroot, and carrots are all good to go in now! Cool weather can even improve the flavour of crops like kale! You can test the soil moisture by putting your finger in the soil, and only watering when it feels dry to touch.
A layer of mulch is always good for suppressing weeds, holding moisture in the soil, and enriching the soil as it decomposes. Happy gardening, and we look forward to seeing you in the garden!
Are you are Link Wentworth resident who feels like starting a garden at your property ready for summer and our Annual Gardening Competition? Contact our Communities Team who can start the process for you. Email [email protected] or call 9412 5111.