Important Information
Please complete this form if you are a Specialist Disability Housing (SDA) tenant. If you are a social or affordable housing tenant, please complete this form.
This form is to be completed and signed by the tenant or their legally appointed guardian. By providing consent to relinquish the tenancy means the tenant signing this form agrees to end the Accommodation Agreement with Link Wentworth. When we have received this form, a staff member will contact you to ensure that you understand your rights and responsibilities when ending a tenancy with Link Wentworth and work with you to follow the next steps.
If you have any questions about your end of tenancy, please speak to your Supported Independent Living (SIL) Provider or contact our Disability Team directly by calling 9412 5111 or emailing [email protected].
If you require an interpreter please advise Link Wentworth, or if you have a hearing or speech impairment please use the TTY service Freecall 1800 810 586. A TTY phone is required to use this service.
Do you need a translator? TIS National provides access to phone and on-site interpreting services in over 150 languages. Call 13 14 50. You can also use the “Accessibility” drop down menu above for translations.
"*" indicates required fields
Link Wentworth collects personal information about you in order to make sure you receive the assistance you may be entitled to.